Friday, December 2, 2011

New Review and Special Announcement!

Over on the Odd Review blog there is a NEW Odd Review and a Special Announcement that could affect the future of the Odd Review blog! Don't miss this Earth-Shattering Announcement! The world may never be the same again!

Check it out here:

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Razzle Dazzle at Zazzle!

Howdy folks! I've got some exciting news for all you friends and fans! Your holiday shopping is about to get a LOT easier! Why? Because Everybody's Buddy (Me) has just opened a Zazzle store!

Here, you'll find all manner of merchandise featureing the Odd One himself, as well as other characters and catch-phrases that appear on Oddcube's various websites! Perfect for Oddcube fans of every level!

For a sampling of the products offered just check out the panel on the right-hand side of the screen, OR scroll down to the bottom of the page for a flash preview, OR better yet, go directly to the store itself and have a look at Oddcube's Emporium!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

New Odd Review

Hey there, hi there, ho there! It's everybody's buddy here to announce the posting of a brand new Odd Review for you peruse! It's collossal! It's stupendous! It's even mediocre! What am I going on about? Find out at the other end of this finely-crafted link (hand-made by the elves who make moonbeams, and for a very reasonable rate!):

Friday, September 30, 2011

New Odd Review!

This month, Everybody's Buddy, Oddcube (that's me!), performs a public service by warning one and all about a real turd of a film! This flick is SO bad, I'm not even alliterating! What is it? Find out at

Friday, July 1, 2011

Brand New Odd Review!

Doggone it, darn, drat and Deuteronomy! You know what I forgot to do? I forgot to log on here and announce that there's a brand new Odd Review up for you to pursue, I mean, peruse! That's right, folks, a brand new Odd Review brought to you by me, your buddy Oddcube, and the amazing, astounding, and obsequiously efficient editors at Abandoned Towers Magazine (thanx for the reminder!)!

So check it out firsthand, for yourself, at the end of this link (made with TLC in the USA!):

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New Odd Review is up!

That's right, folks! There's a brand new Odd Review up for you to look into! What do I talk about this month? Tune in to find out! Where? Here!